Sunday, April 17, 2011

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day

As we know, before the emancipation, women are banned to do everything that they want in outside, for example to go to work. Women are limited their involvement in society. They spend most of time to stay at home. But after the emancipation, we easily find women those are working outside and build their career. They get the high level of study, and even most of them are study abroad, and also have succeed in their career. There are many women that have been a leader also. Based on the story of emancipation, The Women’s Liberation has decided to celebrate the International Women’s Day as an achievement to remember about the struggled of Clara Zetkin, one of the amazing women in the world that struggled about the emancipation of women. And this time, I will tell you the story about The International women’s Day.The first International Women’s Day was held on March 1991 (the date was changed to the 8 March in 1913). It was the brand child of one of the leading figures of the Social democratic Party in Germany, Clara Zetkin. A socialist and feminist, she edited the SDP’s women’s newspaper, Equality. Her idea was that on one day every year, women should come together, usually in local meetings at grass-roots level, to highlight and bolster their campaigns for women’s equality. The idea of women gathering together for political purposes was a radical notion in and on itself in Germany. Until 1908, German law ‘forbade women becoming members of political societies’ and this was usually interpreted to mean that ‘a committee of three women constituted a political organization’. In some places in Germany women were not even allowed to attend ‘political and public meetings or conferences’. And of course, even in 1991, many of the key improvements in women’s rights which would be won in 20th century were still dreams: women had yet to win the vote in most countries, which equal pay and end to sex discrimination were decades away. This perhaps explain why International Women’s Day was such a popular event amongst women from the start.

That is the story why we have an International Women’s Day. It makes us proud of the struggled of the women, one of them Clara Zetkin. Those women have been struggled to make the emancipation comes true. Now, we have to continue the struggled of women in the past, and makes something new and important that we can give to our country. We have to fulfill this emancipation era by contributing and gathering to struggled the women’s rights and make some forward movement for developing women to be a better than before.

Posted by: Dewi Sartika


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